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noise threshold中文是什么意思

用"noise threshold"造句"noise threshold"怎么读"noise threshold" in a sentence


  • 噪声阈值


  • As you all know , the normal noise threshold for private housing is 55 decibels
  • Examples calculation indicated that establishing different annoyance membership function of different environmental more conformed the reality of expression for people ' s noise subjective response , and the annoyance probability and noise threshold calculated were more credible scientifically
  • Based on the principle of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( ahp ) , judging matrices were constructed for quantitative calculating the membership of each subjective annoyance expression grade , in view of different environmental function districts , then corresponding environmental fuzzy membership functions were given , and applied to calculate the noise threshold of subjective annoyance response
    摘要根据模糊数学层次分析法( ahp )的原理,构造判断矩阵,针对不同的环境功能区域,定量计算各主观烦恼度表述等级的隶属度,求出了相应环境下的模糊隶属函数,并运用于噪声主观烦恼反应阈值的计算。
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